Son Volt 10.11.05

Half past 10 p.m. Son Volt entered Boulder Theater stage left, hooked up and played. The crowd was minimal. I took up a spot 6 feet shy of center stage. Right off the sound was loud. Jay Farrar kept a stern expression, ditto guitarist Chris Frame, as traks from Okemah & The Melody Of Riot were tossed toward the audience. Finally, during Joe Citizen Blues, scant rays of joy became evident. Jay is usually slow to show emotion with the crowd. I don't know why cause his smile is as warm as his voice. Frame coaxed numerous effects from his guitar during lead and background riffs. Right stage the happy eyed Duplantis steadily banged his bass and made enough audience contact to cover Jay and Dave's unintentional myopia. Dave Bryson smiled and laughed as he thumped his kit like any song might be his last. I especially enjoyed how Bryson and Duplantis wove the bass and percussion.

Jay opened playing a black Duo Gretsch w/bigsby and changed guitars often... Gretsch Gold Sparkle Jet, Epiphone Special and a Gibson acoustic. Dave Frame used an ash Fender American Deluxe Telecaster exclusively, feedback and effects self induced. Andrew Duplantis went with a well worn creme Fender Jazz Bass except for a couple of trips on a Cherry Sunburst Gibson Les Paul Standard Bass.

As my JD & Coke turned to ice cubes a few older tunes got into the mix. Everything sounded good. Duplantis' harmony vocals were right on. Frame's western licks and solos kept the speed increasing while complementing Farrar's lead and unmistakably fine voice. I sensed this 37 venue tour, which began September 2nd in Spokane, has been tiring. This was the business version of a relaxed Son Volt I had seen June 19th at the Fox Theater.

Half past midnight Son Volt called it quits. A few minutes later the encore began with a cover of the Clash's Armageddon followed by an electrified Uncle Tupelo standard, Chickamauga circa 1993.

I left satisfied to have been within 6 feet of Alt-Country's greatest influences and collaborators.

Review by Jay Niemoth, 10.11.2005